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Friday, January 3, 2020

Analysis Of Trust Management Framework - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 540 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/10/30 Category Politics Essay Level High school Tags: Government Essay Did you like this example? This research proposal aims to investigate the analysis of trust management framework on cloud computing system in the Rwandan government institutions with a case study of cloud watermarking data Coloring at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning. Many management systems have been developed under the assumption that each Rwandan government entity has to use a variant of scoring function. Much of these framework are focusing on providing robustness and improving performance for a given community standing scheme. In a large-scale these infrastructure hosts many different functional services that are directly connected with the lives of Rwandans. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Analysis Of Trust Management Framework" essay for you Create order Specifically, services within these infrastructures should be able to deny requests from clients initiating bad transactions at one or more other services. Thus cloud computing is a one of the newest computing paradigm that provides infrastructures, platforms and software as a service in a flexible and on-demand. Nowadays the number of people that outsource their data to the cloud increases dramatically (J. Feigenbaum and J. Lacy 2016). It is estimated that cloud computing offer cost-effective dynamic, scalable and shared services for enterprises from remote data centre where these unified evaluation framework help in measuring the trustworthiness of cloud service providers. However, the problem of trusting cloud computing is a paramount concern for most enterprises in such a way that bringing security, transparency and reliability trust is widely regarded as one of the top obstacles for the adoption and growth of cloud computing specifically in the Rwandan government entities. In Rw andan computing industry there are no methods proposed either by researchers or government entities to help the consumers identify the cloud service provider who seems to be more reliable. This proposal will then provide a generic analytical of trust management framework on cloud computing system in the Rwandan government institutions, propose   security solution and therefore how to reduce the impact of any type of intrusion based on a set of assessment criteria to help cloud consumers find the trust model that best satisfies their trust concerns in cloud computing. This study will adopt a descriptive survey design. The target population of this study will be drawn from 150 staffs of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning. The sample size of 110 respondents will be determined using Yamanes formula. The study will use both primary and secondary data, where questionnaires, interview and annual cloud watermarking data coloring reports of MINECOFIN will be used. Primary data for the study will be collected using structured questionnaires that will be administered to the respondents. Quantitative data obtained from close ended questions will be analyzed by using d escriptive statistics. Narrative data obtained from interviews and open-ended questions in the questionnaire will be analyzed using qualitative approaches. Data collected will be analyzed through SPSS version 21. Data analysis involved statistical computations for averages, percentages, and correlation and regression analysis. Descriptive and inferential statistics and content analysis will be used for specific data. The type of validity to be used by the researcher for this study will be the content validity. For the reliability of the data collection instrument, Test- retest reliability will be used. The findings will guide the researcher after analyzing data, to observe the analysis of trust management framework on cloud computing system in the Rwandan government institutions.

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